Ústredný portál verejnej správy

Sign up for permanent residence


You have to report the place, the beginning and the end of a permanent residence, if you are not staying abroad for a long term. Signing up is for free.

Responsible: bureau ,,Ohlasovňa pobytu”

Estimated time to provide a service: 5 days

1. Signing up for permanent residence
2. Specific cases

You don´t need any permission to move, if you´re moving within Slovak Republic.

Signing up for permanent residence

You can sign up:

  • Personally – at the bureau (find the ,,Ohlasovňa pobytu” near your new permanent residence)
  • Electronically - here

You can find all electronic services related to this topic here (only in Slovak).

You can report permanent residence:

  • for yourself;
  • for family members;
  • for a child under 18 years;
  • for a child under 18 years of age with an ordered institutional or protective upbringing;
  • for a citizen who is deprived of legal capacity or whose legal capacity is limited;
  • for another citizen.

A citizen can register permanent residence only in the building or its part, which is marked with a census number, or a census and reference number and is intended for housing, accommodation or individual recreation. An apartment is also considered a part of the building.

Specific cases

1. All babies born in the Slovak Republic have automatically the same permanent residence as their mother.

2. You can sign up a member of your family personally or electronically. The condition is that you will need his mandate with officially verified signature, which is available electronically here.

3. You can also sign up your whole family here. The only condition here is that you have to sign up whole family at once.

Necessary documents:

- identity card,
- original of property list/lease agreement,
- written confirmation about agreement with signing up for permanent residence with
  owner’s/co-owner’s officially verified signature,
- children (under 18 years) – original of birth certificate.

(only in Slovak).

Last modified: 29. 3. 2021
Publication date: 22. 3. 2016

The responsible person:

Redakcia ÚPVS, (hb)


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