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Submitting of company data to statistical offices


Statistical surveys are classified by thematic areas and defined in the Program of State Statistical Surveys. The reporting units have the obligation to report required data.

Responsible: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Estimated time to complete the form: subjective
Frequently asked questions
User Guide

1. What needs to be reported to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic?
2. Who is legally obliged to report?
3. How are statistical survey data provided?

What needs to be reported to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic?

The information that needs to be reported to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is specified in the Act no. 250/2017 Coll., that issued to the Program of State Statistical Surveys for the years 2018 to 2020. The Act contains a list of statistical surveys and forms, as well as the frequency of their submission (monthly, quarterly, yearly).

Who is legally obliged to report?

In accordance with Section 18 of Act no. 540/2001 Coll. about the State Statistics, reporting obligation have to be fulfilled by reporting units that are included in the statistical survey. The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic categorizes reporting units as follows: legal persons and natural persons registered in the Business or Trade Register and natural persons. Each reporting unit receives a notification of inclusion to the statistical survey by Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic on time.

How are statistical survey data provided?

The reporting unit is obliged to provide the required data by filling in and sending the electronic form. The reporting unit that is a natural person or a natural person (entrepreneur) and has no employee till 31th of December of the previous calendar year, or a reporting unit that is settled in the municipality without an Internet connection or signal, may also fulfill the obligation by submitting the written form. Types of statistical forms are available at the website of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.

Electronic services are available through the portal of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (http://slovak.statistics.sk) or through the Central Government Portal (https://www.slovensko.sk).


Frequently asked questions

  • Which electronic forms are available?

The reporting unit has all the electronic forms to which it has a reporting obligation upon signing into the system. Individual periods are available gradually according to the reporting deadlines.

  • Are there any tools to fill in forms?

You can use types of statistical forms to help you to complete the statistical forms correctly, as well as User Guide or vocabulary of terms.

Explanatory laws:

Act no. 540/2001 Coll. about the State Statistics

Act no. 250/2017 Coll., that issued to the Program of State Statistical Surveys for the years 2018 to 2020

Last modified: 8. 2. 2018
Publication date: 19. 12. 2017

The responsible person:

redakcia ÚPVS (knk)


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