- Social insurance
- Health insurance
Social insurance
Foreign nationals living and working in Slovakia are divided into two groups, those coming from EEA countries (social insurance follows the legislation of EU) and third country nationals. The latter group is later divided into countries that have international agreements on social insurance with the Slovak Republic or those that do not have them. In this case foreigner working as employee or sole proprietor is insured according the Slovak social insurance law.
If you are employed or work as a sole proprietor only in Slovakia, you have to follow Slovak laws. Your employer will pay for your social insurance or as a sole proprietor you will pay for yourself. Then you have the same rights as any other insured person.
If you have several enterprises within the EES, or work for several different employers in different member states, you have to apply for decision in which country you should pay the insurance. The application is sent to social insurance office according to your residence. You have to do so because you cannot pay twice for the social insurance within the EEA. On the other hand, if you work in third country without any agreements, you have to pay in both countries.
If you do not work in any member state of EEA, you can still pay voluntary social insurance. You have to fulfill several conditions, but the most important one is to have permanent residence or other type of residence permit.
Health insurance
Slovak health care system runs on mandatory health insurance contributions. Every person with permanent residence in Slovakia is obliged to contribute. This system forms part of EU health care system, so according the legislation person can pay mandatory contributions only in one of the member states of the EEA.
Even person without permanent residence has health insurance. This depends on where this person works or does business. If a foreign national is employed or self-employed in Slovakia, he/she or the employer has to pay the mandatory contribution. When this person works in other member state, he/she has to pay in that state. Even person without residence or work is insured. In this case the insurance is paid by the state (this apply to students, minors, unemployed…). This person has to be registered.
According to the law, person is obliged to apply to chosen health insurance company within 8 days since the obligation to be insured. There are three insurance companies in Slovakia, one is public and two are private. You are entitled to health care since the moment you applied in one of the company.
Last modified: 2. 3. 2017
Publication date: 3. 3. 2017