Ústredný portál verejnej správy

New car and registration duties


Each car that is used on Slovak roads has to be registered at residence related district Transport Inspectorate.

Responsible: Ministry of Interior of the SR

Estimated time to fill the form: depends on the specific form

  1. Registration of the vehicle
  2. Registration when the new owner is from other district
  3. Termination of leasing
  4. Vehicle bought in foreign country
  5. Fees
  6. Information about vehicle

Registration of the vehicle

When you buy a new car you are obliged to register it at district Transport Inspectorate related to your permanent residence (in the case of company related to its registered seat). You have to do so within 30 days (in online registration within 15 days). If you miss this deadline you have to submit also proof of identity of the vehicle and its history (“kontrola originality”) not older than 15 days.

From 1.12.2019 it is no longer necessary according to Act no. 393/2019 Coll. (only in Slovak) bring the vehicle for inspection.

The best option is that the previous and new owners come together to the Inspectorate and fill all necessary forms. These can be submitted also online – application for transition of the hold of the vehicle for another person - previous owner (only in Slovak) and application for registration of new holder of the vehicle - new owner (only in Slovak). In this case the new owner has to submit also authorization for transit of the registration of the car - with this he/she agrees with the transition of the car to his/her ownership (only in Slovak). During the online process the application has to be signed with qualified electronic signature.

Appointment at the district Transport Inspectorate (only in Slovak) can be set online.

Necessary documents:

  • registration certificate part II. (osvedčenie o evidencii časť II.),
  • certificate of Motor third party liability insurance,
  • ID (in case of electronic application – eID with electronic chip),
  • authorization for transit of the registration of the car (it can be cancelled online - only in Slovak),
  • fee,
  • other (mainly in the case of registration of company car).

Registration when the new owner is from other district

When the new owner is from other district of the Slovak Republic during the registration it is necessary to change vehicle registration plates. For this registration you will need the above mentioned documents and will have to pay fee for new plates 33 EUR.

First, within 15 day the previous owner has to cancel the registration. He/she can do so personally at district Transport Inspectorate or online (only in Slovak). Previous owner is not obliged to take the vehicle for inspection nor to pay fee. The new owner has to register the vehicle at residency related district Transport Inspectorate within 30 days (personally or online - only in Slovak). New owner has to take the vehicle to Inspectorate and bring also the old plates. As new documents are issued the new owner has to pay fee 6 EUR for each.

As of 1 August 2019, applications for the registration in the vehicle register and applications for a change in the vehicle registration are no longer submitted.

Termination of leasing

When your leasing of the vehicle has terminated you are the new owner and you have to register your car. You can do so personally or online (only in Slovak).

You will need:

  • ID (in online application eID with electronic chip),
  • both registration certificates,
  • certificate of Motor third party liability insurance and
  • certified authorization of the leasing company about the transmit of the ownership.

Vehicle bought in foreign country

Process of buying a new car in foreign country is complicated. First you need acquire temporary plates that are valid till you are given new ones. When you are buying a new vehicle from non-member country of European Union you have to pay customs and VAT.

For you to leave the country you need to have:

  • proof of purchase or invoice,
  • proof that the car is not registered in the country of origin,
  • registration certificate,
  • temporary plates,
  • proof of roadworthiness and emission control.

Back in the Slovak Republic you have to submit to district Transport Inspectorate officially translated documents. Then you have to apply for approval of individually transported car (only in Slovak).

For this you will need:

  • proof of purchase or invoice,
  • proof that the car is not registered in the country of origin,
  • proof of identity of the vehicle and of its history and roadworthiness control,
  • Certificate of conformity.

After this you will be given registration certificate part II. with which you may apply for registration as above mentioned.




Registration according to engine power

33 – 3900 EUR

Vehicle registration plate

16.50 EUR

Registration of electric car

33 EUR

Registration of trailer

33 EUR

For electronic services, the rate of the administrative fee is 50% lower, but not more than 70 EURO. If other documents are included in the proposal, the reduced rate will apply only in electronic form.

Information about vehicle

You can check different types of information about your or soon to be yours car. You can find them here.

Last modified: 27. 5. 2021
Publication date: 20. 1. 2017

The responsible person:

Redakcia ÚPVS, ss