Ústredný portál verejnej správy

How to find information about car’s history?


When you are buying a new car it is always proper to check its history so you can avoid car that have been stolen or repaired without official approval.

Responsible: Ministry of Interior of the SR

Estimated time to fill the form: up to 5 min

  1. Where can you find this type information?
  2. Which information can I apply for?
  3. Conditions
  4. Fees

Where can you find this type of information?

You may go to the permanent residence related distric Transport Inspectorate or use electronic service.

Which information can I apply for?

Information about:


If you want to get this information you have to:

  • have registration certificate part I. with electronic chip or
  • eID card with electronic chip (only in the case of electronic service) and be the owner or holder of the vehicle.


This service is not charged by administration fee.

Last modified: 21. 12. 2017
Publication date: 23. 11. 2017

The responsible person:

Redakcia ÚPVS, ss