Ústredný portál verejnej správy

Submitting a bid online in response to a public call for tender


Conditions for participation, as well as other requirements that you have to meet in order to successfully participate in a public contract, are determined by the contracting authority/entity in the contract notice and in the tender documents. Tenders should be submitted by tenderers/ candidates within the time limit for receipt of tenders. Tenders may be submitted electronically or delivered in paper form, as defined in the contract notice.
  1. Submitting tenders via Electronic Public Procurement Information System
  2. Frequently asked questions and answers
  3. Useful links

Submitting tenders via Electronic Public Procurement Information System

This information is intended for economic operators that want to participate in public contracts for the supply of goods, services or performance of works announced by contracting authorities/entities via the Electronic Public Procurement Information System (the‘IS EVO’).

In order to submit a tender for a public contract announced via IS EVO, you need to do the following:

  1. Create and activate an account at the portal of the Office for Public Procurement (only in Slovak)- (an instructional video).
  2. Create and validate an economic operator - (an instructional video).

More information is available in the Guide on the website functionalities for registered users (only in Slovak).

All actions related to creating an account on the Office for Public Procurement portal, creating and validating an economic operator are free of charge. If you want to participate in tender more frequently, we also recommend you to register in the List of Economic Operators. All information (guides, instructional manuals, frequently asked questions and other information) on the IS EVO is available on the Office’s website (only in Slovak).

Frequently asked questions and answers

How to submit a tender or request to participate?

Before submitting a tender or request to participate, you need to do the following:

  1. create and activate an account on the Office for Public Procurement portal Privátna zóna (Private area); (an instructional video) and

  2. create and validate an economic operator (‘EO’) (an instructional video).

Only registered users that are already registered as the economic operators for which they want to make a submission may submit tenders or a request to participate. The relevant EO must be VALIDATED and ACTIVATED.

EOs whose status is Neoverený (Pending validation) may not submit tenders or requests to participate. For this reason, when registering a new EO, take into consideration the time needed to complete the EO validation (delivery of the validation code may take some time). The registration must be carried out well in advance before you plan to submit a tender or request to participate in the selected contract. For the foreign economic operators we recommend to register new operator at least 5 working days before the intention to submit an offer/request to participate (depending on the country of origin).

How to check the submission status of a tender or request to participate?

After sending the tender/request to participate, it is possible to check the status of the tender/request to participate in the area Záujemca/Uchádzač (Candidate/Tenderer) in the menu Ponuka/Žiadosť o účasť (Tender/Request to participate).

If the status of the tender/request to participate is Odoslaná (Sent), it means that the tender/request to participate has been properly sent to the contracting authority/entity and will be made available to the contracting authority/entity when the time limit for opening tenders/requests to participate expires.

If the status of the tender/request to participate is Pripravovaná (Under preparation), it means that the tender/request to participate has not been sent to the contracting authority/entity and will not be made available to the contracting authority/entity when the time limit for opening tenders/requests to participate expires.

A tender/request to participate may be submitted only within the time limit to submit tenders/requests to participate, as set by the contracting authority/entity.

Useful links

Last modified: 16. 12. 2020
Publication date: 8. 10. 2020

The responsible person:

Office for Public Procurement
+421 250264370
