- Telephone services
- Internet connection
1. Telephone services
Four companies provide mobile phone and data services in Slovakia: O2 Slovakia, Orange Slovensko, Slovak Telekom and SWAN Mobile.
Contract with the provider of telecommunications services includes: information on prices and fees, specification of the minimum service quality level, information on the contract duration and conditions for its renewal.
After signing the contract with a telecommunications operator, you have the right to: cancel the contract, should the provider change the contractual terms of the original contract, switching to another service provider of fixed or mobile network within one working day without having to change your telephone number.
You should always be able to call the 112 emergency number free of charge, which is the same across the EU – from any phone including calls from public phone booths and mobile phones.
Extra support for users with disabilities
Persons with disabilities are entitled to the same range of telecommunications services enjoyed by most users. You may also be eligible for special accessibility devices or services from your service provider to be able to use the telephone network – such as a real-time screen reader, or being able to get your phone bill in an alternative format, such as Braille.
2. Internet connection
Getting internet connection
Wherever you are in the EU you must be able to access good quality electronic communication services at an affordable price – including basic internet access. This is known as the universal service provision. There should be at least one internet provider who can provide this service for you. Enter your location and find the best internet access conditions (connection, speed, price) directly on the website of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services – Comparison of prices of broadband internet access at fixed location.
Contracts with internet providers
Before you sign a contract for internet services, your internet provider must give you information on: prices, rates and charges, including options and packages, standard terms and conditions, quality of service (for example, download speeds).
After you sign a contract, your internet provider must also notify you well in advance if they want to change the contract (for example, raise the rates), allow you to withdraw from the contract without penalty, if you don't accept any of the new conditions offer reasonable minimum contract periods – a contract for an initial period equal to or shorter than 12 months; contracts that exceed 2 years are illegal.
Extra support for persons with disabilities
Persons with disabilities are entitled to the same range and choice of services enjoyed by other users. You may also be eligible for special accessibility devices from your service provider – such as magnification software or a screen reader, if you are visually impaired.
If you think that the service provider has not respected your rights, you should turn to the operator and use the established complaint procedure If you are not satisfied with the response, you may turn to the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, which will handle the case.
Last modified: 23. 2. 2021
Publication date: 29. 9. 2020
The responsible person:
Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
+421 259494111