The service enables a self-employed person (SZČO) residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic who pursues a self-employed activity in the territory of two or more EU Member States (including the territories of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom) to submit a request to determine the applicable legislation in accordance with the European Union Coordination Regulations (EU Regulations). According to EU Regulations, a self-employed person can be subject, at the same time, exclusively to the legislation of one EU Member State in the field of social security. The Social Insurance Agency will issue a self-employed person pursuing self-employed activities in two or more EU Member States a PD A1 if, under the EU Regulations, he or she is subject to the legislation of the Slovak Republic. Please note that a person's residence within the meaning of the EU Regulations is not equivalent to a person's permanent residence. Informácie o službe