Ústredný portál verejnej správy

Are you going to the bureau in person? Schedule your meeting electronically

Dear users,

during the May 2021 the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic made the possibility to make an electronic reservation of personal visit of bureaus. The form is called Universal Reservation System and it will be available gradually after each region.

The system is set up to enable the applicant to make a reservation at the distance of 50 km from his/her place of residence. The Ministry of Interior of the SR also informs on its website about the preparation of the addition of other offices to the reservation system.

What do you need to know to succesfuly make an electronic reservation in specific time and date?

  • There is no need to use an ID card with electronic chip (eID) for booking.
  • After a successful reservation, the applicant receives a PIN code which he/she will type to the kiosk on the day when visitting the bureau and the kiosk will print out a card bearing a serial number. 
  • The PIN code is valid in a time range of 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the reservation date, then it expires.

Recommendation: If you need to get a new ID card, or resident card, besides a personal visit to the document department, there is also a simpler way.

If you already have an ID card with an electronic chip, Personal Security Code - BOK, valid signature certificate, and you are already in the database of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic (your photo and signature) and these records are not older than 5 years, you can use electronic equipment of the ID card instead of a personal visit to the document department. The service can be used by those citizens who change their identity card due to change of residence or termination of validity.


Last modified: 2. 9. 2021
Publication date: 2. 9. 2021