Ústredný portál verejnej správy

Working time


Working time is the time segment when an employee is at the disposal of the employer, does the work and fulfils obligations under the employment contract.
  1. Working time
  2. Flexible working time
  3. Night work
  4. Overtime work
  5. Breaks at work

1. Working time

The working time of an employee is a maximum of 40 hours a week.

In a two-shift operation, it is a maximum of 38 and 3/4 hours a week (if work is regularly done alternatively on both shifts).

In a three-shift operation and 24/7 operation, it is a maximum of 37 and 1/2 hours a week (if work is regularly done alternatively on three shifts or in 24/7 operation).

The average weekly working time including overtime must not exceed 48 hours.

The working time may be distributed evenly or unevenly.

2. Flexible working time

Flexible working time consists of basic and optional working time. Basic working time is the time period when the employee is required to be at the workplace. Optional working time is the time period when the employee is required to be at the workplace in order to work for the total required working time.

3. Night work

Night work is work done between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

4. Overtime work

Overtime work is work carried out by an employee at the order of the employer or with the employer’s consent above the defined weekly working time.

An employer may order or agree with an employee to work overtime only in cases of temporary and urgent increases in work demand.

An employee may be ordered to work overtime up to the maximum extent of 150 hours per calendar year.

An employee may work overtime up to 400 hours per calendar year.

5. Breaks at work

An employer is obliged to provide an employee whose work shift is longer than 6 hours with a break for rest and eating for  duration of 30 minutes.

Last modified: 4. 12. 2020
Publication date: 7. 10. 2020

The responsible person:

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of Slovak Republic
+421 2 2046 0000
