Ústredný portál verejnej správy

How to apply for new vehicle registration plate?


In the case that you lost your vehicle registration plate (VRP), known also as license plate or number plate, or it has been stolen from your car you may apply for a new set with the same number.

Responsible: Ministry of Interior of the SR
Estimated time to fill the form: 5 - 10 min

  1. When you are allowed to apply for new VRP?
  2. Where you may apply for VRP?
  3. Conditions
  4. Fees
  5. Pick up the VRP
  6. Frequently asked questions and answers

When you are allowed to apply for new VRP?

You are allowed to apply for the vehicle registration plate - VRP (duplicate) only in the case of theft, lost or damage.

Where you may apply for VRP?

You have to apply at the permanent residence related district Transport Inspectorate (okresný Dopravný inšpektorát) or through electronic service.


If you want to apply for new VRP you have to:

  • be the owner or holder of the vehicle (or to have a permission to act on behalf of the owner) and
  • have eID card (only in the case of electronic submission).

In the case of electronic submission you have to sign the form with your qualified electronic signature.

In the case of the theft, lost or damage of only one plate you have to submit the other one at the Police. Than you need to attach both new plates to the vehicle.


You can find actual fees on the web page of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic

Pick up the VRP

After processing the application, the citizen is informed and can pick up the new tables at the relevant traffic inspectorate.

Frequently asked questions and answers

What should I do with the second, table?
In this case, the second table must be returned to to the Police.

Can I have the same number on the VRP?
Yes, but you can request such a duplicate with the same number up to two times.

Can I choose another VRP?
Yes, the Police also issue non-traditional types of VRP at an additional cost, such as emitting light.

Last modified: 13. 4. 2021
Publication date: 23. 11. 2017

The responsible person:

Redakcia ÚPVS, ss