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European Single Procurement Document


The European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) is a preliminary evidence replacing documents on conformity with all selection criteria in a given public procurement.

The European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) is a preliminary evidence replacing documents on conformity with all selection criteria in a given public procurement. The ESPD may also be used for short-listing candidates in a restricted procedure, negotiated procedure with prior publication, competitive dialogue and innovation partnership.

As a tenderer or candidate, you can decide whether to submit the ESPD or the individual required documents along with your request to participate or as part of a tender (in an open procedure or for the award of a below-threshold contract without using the electronic marketplace).

As its name implies, the ESPD is a standardised document (form) that can be used in public procurement in all EU Member States.

In the ESPD you declare that:

  • there is no reason for your exclusion;
  • you meet the objective and non-discriminatory rules and criteria to select a restricted number of candidates, where the contracting authority or entity has restricted the number of candidates;
  • you will provide the contracting authority or contracting entity with the documents replaced by the European Single Procurement Document upon request.

For more information on the European Single Procurement Document, including guidance on how to fill it as well as the model form, see the European Single Procurement Document website (information available only in Slovak). To simplify and re-use the form, we recommend using the Office’s service to fill in the form interactively in all official EU languages.

Useful links:

Last modified: 22. 2. 2021
Publication date: 9. 10. 2020

The responsible person:

Office for Public Procurement
+421 2 50264 145
