How to solve failed signing process (Windows)
1.1 Please wait. The process of opening sign application is ongoing
1.2 After selecting the certificate, the Core.Sign 1 error appears
1.3 There are one or more errors when adding a certificate
1.4 No certificate was displayed in the selection when signing
1.1 Please wait. The process of opening sign application is ongoing

Figure 1 - Opening the sign application
A) Check the installed application to sign:
- click the “Start” icon located in the bottom bar on the left or press the Windows keyboard (FIg. 2);
Figure 2 - „Start" icon and Windows keyboard
- type Appwiz.cpl and press Enter;
- a window will appear with the installed applications on your computer;
- check that there are 5 components from the DITEC publisher (Obr. 3).
Figure 3 - Component of signing application
If yes:
Check the version of D.Suite, which must be in version 1.0.29. If it is lower than 29, uninstall the original version, download the current version and install.
If not:
You don't have the sign app installed at all. Download the app and then start installation. After successfully installing the signing app, restart the computer and sigh again.
B) Check SSL / TLS protocol settings in ESET Endpoint Antivirus
The reason for the error may also be that SSL / TLS protocol checking in ESET Endpoint Antivirus is enabled. The best way how to solve this problem is add exception for IP address when checking protocols.
Procedure for setting an exception:
- Click on "Start" and search for ESET Endpoint Security.
- Go to "Settings" and then click on "Advanced settings" (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - Advanced settings
- Go to "WEB AND EMAIL" and "Protocol filtering".
- Then select "Edit" in the "Excluded IP addresses" line (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 - Protocol filtering

Figure 6 - Add IP address
- Enter the value "" and confirm with the "OK" button (Fig. 7).

Figure 7 - IP address
Confirm changes.
1.2 After selecting the certificate, the Core.Sign 1 error appears

Figure 8 - Error occurs while signin
- right click on the D.Launcher icon located in the bottom bar to the right of the time and select “Settings”. The icon can also be between hidden icons and you need to click on the arrow (Fig. 9). Otherwise find the app in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ditec\DLauncher\dLauncher.exe.

Figure 9 - „D.Launcher" icon
- nainštalujte si aktuálnu verziu Java zo stránky;
- install the current version of Java from the official website;
- select “Disable native apps” and press “OK”;
- turn off and turn on the Internet browser,;
- proceed to the signature of the submission;
- after clicking on the sign, the opening window of D.Signer/XAdES JAVA will appear, in which the top right click on the settings (the screwdriver icon);
- select the second option “PKCS”;
- enter the EAC MW client;
- click on the ZEP and continue signing.
1.3 There are one or more errors when adding a certificate

Figure 10 - Error when adding a certificate
- click on the “Start” icon located in the bottom bar on the left or press the Windows key on the keyboard;
- type “cmd”;
- right-click on the search result and select “Start as Administrator”;
- type “mmc” and press “Enter”;
- on the top left, click on the file and select “Add or Remove Module”;
- click on ‘Certificates’ on the left and click on the ‘Add’ button;
- select “Computer account” and click on “Next” “Finish” “OK”;
- in the left column, click “Certificates” and right-click the folder “Credible Root Certification Authorities” and select “All Tasks” and “Import” “Next”;
- click on “Browse” and select CA.Certificate from the following path on your computer:
(C:\Users\name_user\.ditec\dlauncher\certificates\ca.crt) and continue by pressing the “Next” button twice and “Finish”.
1.4 No certificate was displayed in the selection when signing

Figure 11 - No available certificate
Solution if you use an eID card to sign:
- pull the reader out of the USB input and reinsert it;
- the eID app prompts the BOK code, enter it;
- click to sign again and select SVK eID ACA in the certificate list.
Solution if you use a mandate certificate to sign:
- an installed mandate certificate application is required by card type;
- the most common are applications: I.CA SecureStore;
- if the application is installed and running and the mandate certificate is not displayed, it is necessary to contact the technical support of the certificate issuer.