Ústredný portál verejnej správy

Gaining access to funds at national level


Subsidies to create conditions conducive to the operation of a business and Microlending to small and start-up enterprises to maintain employment and support job creation.
  1. Funding for subsidisation purposes
  2. Microlending
  3. Who to contact
  4. Useful links

Funding for subsidisation purposes

The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic awards subsidies in the calls it advertises for subsidy applications. Subsidies are then disbursed on the basis of these calls. 

As part of this service, enterprises have the opportunity to apply electronically for the following types of subsidies:

  • support for mining, the tradition and history of mining, the clean-up of the consequences of mining operations, compensation for the social impact of the decline in mining;
  • support for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • support for the use of biomass and solar energy to generate heat;
  • support for consumer protection;
  • support for the development of industrial production and services;
  • support for research, development and innovation;
  • support for energy efficiency. 

Detailed information on the individual calls that are advertised and the requirements of applications can be found on the page entitled Funding for the operation of incubators and award of subsidies.

Applications are submitted electronically.

Application procedure:

Support for research, development and innovation

Enterprises involved in research and development can apply for a subsidy that will give them access to funds for a collaboration with an Israeli partner on a joint project of industrial research and experimental development. Under current rules, the maximum subsidy is EUR 2 000 000.

You can apply for support if you are a business entity registered in Slovakia. You simply need to hold a business licence and be active in industrial research and experimental development.

Support can only be obtained if a call is advertised. The basic goal of the call is to intensify cooperation between Slovak businesses and Israeli partners in joint projects on industrial research and experimental development. Applicants may address any questions they have to the contact officers mentioned in the call by telephone or electronically. 

Support for clusters

Legal entities (cluster organisations) established in Slovakia may apply for a subsidy that will give them access to funds for the development of their activities and an increase in the competitiveness of their cluster. Under current rules, the maximum subsidy is EUR 50 000.

You may apply for the subsidy if you are a special-interest group of legal entities meeting the definition of a cluster: an industrial cluster organisation is an organised grouping of sectoral or cross-cutting independent business entities, small and medium-sized enterprises, R&D organisations, and other support institutions that has been set up to promote innovation through the sharing of infrastructure capacity and the exchange of knowledge and expertise between businesses and other organisations in the group. One condition is that the entity must have existed for at least two years.

Support can only be obtained if a call is advertised. The aim is to increase the competitiveness of cluster members. Applicants may address any questions they have to the contact officers mentioned in the call by telephone or electronically. 

Smart City support

Individuals or legal entities (SMEs) in Slovakia may apply for a subsidy that will give them access to funding to promote/deploy their innovative business plans in cities.

This facilitates the roll-out of innovative ideas and solutions (support for the construction of smart cities) with a view to improving access to modern technologies and processes so that cities work more efficiently.

SMEs (individuals or legal entities) who are classified as undertakings by the Commercial Code, are organised and existing under the laws of Slovakia, and have their registered office and/or place of business in Slovakia may apply for this support.

Applicants can obtain a subsidy if they have an innovative business plan that they want to implement in practice by running it in a specific city in Slovakia. One condition is that the city needs to express an interest in collaboration. There are two stages in which applicants may be awarded a subsidy for the implementation of their project:

  • In the first stage, a subsidy of up to EUR 20 000 is granted for the preparation of a feasibility study.
  • In the second stage, a subsidy of up to EUR 150 000 is granted for the implementation of the project (when the results of the study are put into practice) in Slovak cities.

This is conditional on 50% co-financing by the applicant in the implementation of the second stage of the project.

Conditions for obtaining a subsidy:

  • Registration in the Slovak Trade Register or Commercial Register;
  • The establishment of cooperation with a specific city in Slovakia, which the applicant proves by producing a document expressing the city’s interest in working with the applicant – a Letter of Intent;
  • The submission of an application accompanied by the required attachments, typically:
    • Project plan;
    • Documents demonstrating compliance with the conditions under Act No 523/2004 on budgetary rules of public administration and amending certain acts, as amended;
    • Declaration of compliance with the conditions for participation in the scheme;
    • Declaration of consent to the provision of data;
    • Overview of de minimis aid received in the last three years;
    • Consent to the processing of personal data;
    • Letter of Intent expressing a city’s interest in collaborating with the applicant. 

Support can only be obtained if a call is advertised. Applicants may address any questions they have to the contact officers mentioned in a particular call by telephone or electronically. All relevant information concerning the required attachments and deadlines for submission is provided in the specific call.


The Slovak Business Agency (SBA) provides microloans to micro and small businesses via a microlending scheme. The main goal of the scheme is to make funds available to start-ups or existing businesses in the form of favourable microloans.

This gives businesses the opportunity to create conditions that will maintain employment and create new jobs in the Slovak regions. Microloans are intended for the purchase of movable assets and immovable property, reconstruction, repair, maintenance, the purchase of technology, supplies, goods, and raw materials, and investment projects.

Microloans range from EUR 2 500 to EUR 50 000, and are repayable over periods from six months to four years. The benefit of these microloans is that repayment of the principal can be deferred by clients for six months, and they are more readily available and offer better conditions for businesses.

Microloans are intended for small businesses that:

  • are registered and have their head office in Slovakia;
  • hold a trade licence, concession or other relevant authorisation to do business in Slovakia;
  • if individuals, are persons of integrity;
  • honour all their liabilities to the state;
  • employ up to 50 people and report annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million.

Applications are submitted electronically.

Detailed information on applications and their attachments can be found on the pages Microlending and Microloans.

There is no time limit on the microloan scheme and applications can be submitted at any time.

When you apply for a microloan, the following charges apply:

  • EUR 70 for processing the application;
  • a fee for the granting of a microloan at 1% of the amount awarded;
  • a microloan bears interest at an interest rate that depends on the business’s rating. This is affected by the quality of the business plan, the efficiency of the project, the business’s credit history, and the collateral offered. 

There is no legal entitlement to a microloan and each microloan application is assessed on its own merits.

Who to contact

Interested parties can raise any questions they may have or request a consultation with SBA representatives by writing to mikropozicky@sbagency.sk or agency@sbagency.sk.
You can find more info on the website of the Slovak Business Agency.

Useful links

Last modified: 22. 2. 2021
Publication date: 27. 11. 2020

The responsible person:

Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Business Agency
+421 2 203 63 100